The NPCC will continue to work with Government to ensure police accountability.
On the 9 October 2023 the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC), in collaboration with the National Police Coordination Centre (NPoCC), launched a coordinated policing response to address potential impacts on British communities following the terrorist attacks in Israel.
Deputy Chief Constable Paul Mills responds to HMICFRS, IPOC and College of Policing's findings into a super-complaint on stalking.
Stacey Rothwell, Network Director for the Eastern Region Innovation has been working on Rapid Video Response (RVR.)
Up to £4.5m is available to create nine Policing Academic Centres of Excellence (P-ACEs.)
Trials of AI programmes have been ongoing to help ease call demand, tackle child exploitation and to identify DA
Recovered vehicles valued at over £4m in total with 180 arrests made
Trials continuing in drone as first responder initiative
A national team set-up to tackle the threat of county lines is marking six years since its inception.
This week, as part of the first ever Modernising Policing week, the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) will shine a light on the areas being explored to transform law enforcement nationally.
Clear, Hold, Build could be making its way to Australia
The relentless investigative of forces work will continue