ACPO responds to the Government's announcement for new civil injunction to prevent gang-related violence
ACPO responds to the Home Office's announcement on the future of the Forensic Science Service
ACPO responds to the detailed breakdown of how government funding for the police will be allocated across individual forces
ACPO responds to student protests in London and the police role in facilitating peaceful protest
A targeted national amnesty involving Olympic .380 BBM blank firing revolvers resulted in hundreds of the revolvers being handed into police forces across England and Wales
ACPO responds to the Indpendent Police Complaints Commission study and annual report into deaths in custody
Data on the number of hate crimes reported and recorded across England, Wales and Northern Ireland has been published for the first time
ACPO responds to a plan for a 12-month pilot of domestic violence protection orders in Greater Manchester, West Mercia and Wiltshire
An ACPO report has concluded that there were no reasonable opportunities for intervention within the firearms licensing system to prevent the multiple shootings by Derrick Bird on 2nd June 2010 in West Cumbria
ACPO responds to the publication of the Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements Annual Report 2009/10