23 Nov 2011
ACPO lead for child protection and abuse investigation says protecting children from harm is a key concern for the police and work has been undertaken to improve our ability to detect and target child sexual offenders
Peter Davies, Chief Executive of The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre and ACPO lead for child protection and child abuse investigation said:
“Protecting children from harm is a key concern for the police and a good deal of work has been undertaken both nationally and locally to improve our ability to detect and target child sexual offenders. Through CEOP, thousands of officers across the country have received specialist training in understanding and investigating child abuse. It is a priority for the service and every force must actively gather intelligence, and continue to work to share best practice and specialist skills.
"The National Action Plan published today, follows on from the recent CEOP assessment of this critical issue, and highlights areas where we must continue to build on our success both within individual forces and with multi-agency working. Some areas of the UK already have victim focused services with agencies effectively working together to identify victims of child sexual exploitation.
"A key challenge to overcome is improving confidence of victims, many who are extremely vulnerable, to come forward and report their abuse in the knowledge that they will be fully supported throughout.
"We have already come a long way in bringing this form of child abuse out of the dark, and we remain committed to build upon this work. Government, other local agencies (including the police) and voluntary community sector partners all have a part to play in ensuring children are protected at an early stage and children also need to have the awareness that they can take action to protect themselves. Spotting the early signs of child sexual exploitation and giving anyone with a role in protecting children the awareness to do so is vital.”
A link to the Department For Education's National Action Plan: Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation can be found here: http://www.education.gov.uk/a00200288/tackling-child-sexual-exploitation-action-plan
The CEOP latest annual report shows the work that has been done to protect children from harm in the past 12 months (2010/11).
Since CEOP was set up in 2006:
Thematic assessment:
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