27 Jul 2012
An interim report shows positive progress made in preparing for the introduction of PCC's and highlights continuing priorities to ensure a smooth transition
ACPO lead on futures, Chief Constable Alex Marshall said,
“ACPO will continue to work with the government, police authorities and Police Crime Commissioner (PCC's) candidates towards a smooth transition to PCC’s by providing professional advice on policing to ensure that PCC’s can work effectively with chief constables to keep the public safe. Important areas of shared work include ensuring that appropriate guidance is in place for those involved in the transition process, managing the short timeframe for creating a police and crime plan and the 2013/14 budget for each area and ensuring that governance, decision making and accountability models work for each force and the community they serve."
For more information please contact:
ACPO Press Office
Association of Chief Police Officers
e: press.office@acpo.pnn.police.uk
Communications office
By phone: 0800 538 5058
By email: press.office@npcc.police.uk