The annual crime data show police recorded crime for 2010/11 is down four per cent from 2009/10. It also shows the British Crime Survey results remain at the lowest level since the survey started in 1981
ACPO head of crime Chief Constable Jon Murphy said:
“The police service nationally is committed to protecting the public and driving down crime. The annual crime data show police recorded crime for 2010/11 is down four per cent from 2009/10. It also shows the British Crime Survey results remain at the lowest level since the survey started in 1981.
“The official crime statistics show that the risk of being a victim of crime remains historically low. It does however warn that the drops in crime recorded since the mid 1990s may begin to ease.
“Of particular interest is the area of burglary and some other thefts, and we will be looking closely at both bulletins to see whether there are emerging patterns of criminality in those areas. The high price of metal is driving what is a significant increase in metal theft due to the price of second-hand of scrap metal. This has a potentially significant impact on the national critical infrastructure and consequent risk to the public.
“I welcome the publication of new statistics showing for the first time the levels of victimisation of children aged 10 to 15 and hope that it will assist us in our response to the youngest and vulnerable victims of crime.
“Trust and confidence in police remains an ongoing focus of the service, particularly when it comes to victims reporting crimes to us. We are prepared for challenging times ahead as forces continue the fight against crime with reduced budgets and resource but remain accountable to our mission to keep people safe from harm.”
The annual crime statistics for England and Wales 2010/11 can be found here:
Annual crime detection rates in England and Wales can be found here:
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ACPO Press Office
Association of Chief Police Officers